Our Story
- Our Story
About Xceed Naturals Inc.
- We designed XCEED to give smokers a tobacco free and nicotine free product that tastes, smells and acts just like their favourite cigarette
- XCEED uses a proprietary blend of natural plant based ingredients to achieve a taste unlike any other herbal product on the market today. Thousands of smokers around the world cannot tell the difference between their favourite cigarette and XCEED, but don’t just take our word for it, try it yourself! (link to store locator)
- As a smoker you may be wondering why you should switch to XCEED… here’s why:
- Cigarettes contain over 600 ingredients and produce 7,000 chemicals when smoked… we don’t
- Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that does absolutely nothing for you other than make you addicted to smoking… XCEED is non addictive so switching to XCEED can help you choose if you want to smoke, not smoke because you need to smoke
- XCEED is a natural product that uses natural ingredients and is free of the hundreds of chemicals found in a cigarette… and it tastes great
- Make a Better Choice… Choose XCEED and smoke because you want to, not because you have to!